Unique opportunities in K2M's Analysis team – a reflection from Joel Manning
Any article about team structure and updated processes is likely to be pretty dry, but because we believe our approach and team structure is pretty unique and a big part of what makes us so good, it is worth giving it a go.
Our aim is to be the very best at providing clients with high quality finance-grade energy yield assessments, and a number of associated services, for wind and solar projects both pre and post construction. This is a complex, ever-changing, multi-disciplinary challenge which keeps us constantly on our toes. This challenge and its relevance to the renewable energy transition provides real purpose. So, we feel that we are in a very fortunate position in terms of motivation and job satisfaction, but as a business we still need to differentiate ourselves and ensure we meet the challenges before us.
Great people make a great team, which is essential to provide clients with great services. Great people thrive with freedom to improve the work they do, so every team at K2 Management must enable this freedom. This roughly sums up the thinking behind our Analysis Services team, where our structure is designed to both support and motivate. The goals of the team are made clear, and we all buy-in to our common purpose. Individuals are free to develop their roles, provided they contribute directly to achieving the team goals or are helping others do so. Clearly our client’s immediate needs must also be met so we allocate jobs using a capability matrix which outlines every individual’s capabilities and enables work to be completed efficiently.
All work we carry out has a requirement to be very high quality with a focus on ensuring every detail is considered. This applies equally to client work and internal innovation and development.
Tool development is a big focus. Clearly, industry leading services that apply new, forward-thinking approaches cannot use legacy tools which have previously been developed by others. So, to push forward the industry we must also push forward our toolset; this compels us to develop this wholly inhouse. Our development effort at K2 Management is designed, managed and delivered by the same individuals that deliver consultancy services to our clients which provides numerous benefits. This is powerful because clients receive advice from people who confidently know our methods inside out because they made and defined them. Also, we save time by avoiding long and protracted “translation” between separate consultancy and programming teams. Furthermore, we continuously create numerous opportunities for everyone across the team to learn, apply and teach new skills, while at the same time shaping the analysis approaches of the future.
A recent example of the power of this approach is the internal adoption of Aether 3, our wind data analysis software package. The majority of team members have contributed to developing this tool from the ground-up. Aether 3 is now a nimble wind analysis package tailored specifically to the work we do and we have full control over every single aspect. Not only does this mean we are all proud of what we have done, but we can also communicate the applied approaches to clients with absolute confidence. We can also advance the approach applied whenever we see a need. So Aether 3 represents not only a solid foundation for our current assignments but also an unparalleled springboard for further development. This would not be possible by just applying software developed by others.
Aether 3 is just one outcome from how we are structured. In the last 12 months we have also refreshed our offshore wind energy yield validation (the largest published in the industry) and made significant advances to our internal toolset particularly around turbine performance calculation and the application of wind farm losses and curtailments in the time domain. We currently have a full pipeline of internal development projects, all of which are specifically tailored to enable us to provide more accurate, flexible and clearly communicated services to our clients in both the short and long term future. We’re very excited to see where this takes us and think that the whole Analysis Services team, from our fresh graduates to the most seasoned professionals, are also excited to be on this journey.
For more information about our Analysis Services team, visit the dedicated page on our website. Alternatively, you can view more information about Careers here: